- Read about the project in an article by Britt Peterson in Smithsonian Magazine (print and online): “There Were Listicles That Went Viral Long Before There Was an Internet”
- Co-PI Ryan Cordell was interviewed by Scott Simon for NPR’s Weekend Edition: “Hot Content Went Viral in the 1800s, Too”
- Co-PI Ryan Cordell’s talk from the 2015 Modern Language Association Convention: “‘Many Facts in Small Compass’: Information Literature in C19 Newspapers”
- Alexis Madrigal wrote about the project for Fusion: “The Appeal of Facts that Blow Your Mind, from the 19th Century to Buzzfeed”
- Listen to an interview with project PI Ryan Cordell for WYNC’s On the Media.
- Listen to an interview with project PI Ryan Cordell for ABC (Australia) Radio’s Future Tense.
- Read a nice writeup of the project on Wired Magazine’s MapLab Blog, “Here’s How Memes Went Viral — In the 1800s”
- Rebecca Onion also wrote about one of our more interesting “Viral Texts” for Slate Magazine’s The Vault History Blog: “Life Advice for Young Men that Went Viral in the 1850s.”
- Read an interview with the NEH about the project on the Office of Digital Humanities’ blog.